Zoggers Simpler.Safer.Superb Blog — Facebook Hackers
Stop Facebook Hackers Part 2: The Doppelganger
#zoggerssafer Facebook Hackers
Cynthia FurubottenWhen you see a post like this in your Facebook feed, "WARNING: My account has been hacked. Do not accept Friend Requests from me!" it is probably, the work of The Doppelganger. One simple change can stop this hack from being successful. The Doppelganger is a very common type of Facebook Hacker. His purposes range from financial to sinister. While he might be planning a complete takeover of your identity, he is most likely trying to steal information from you and your friends. Basically this crook has stolen your name, images, and created his own Facebook account which at first glance looks identical to yours. If...
Stop Facebook Hackers Part 1: Quick Overview
#zoggerssafer Facebook Hackers
Cynthia FurubottenFacebook hacking is a fairly common occurrence. Our post today is the first in a series which will help Facebook users better understand how hacks are done and also how to help protect their accounts. Facebook Hackers Types 1. The Doppelganger has stolen your name and images to create his own Facebook account which looks identical to your Facebook account. He doesn't have enough information yet to log-in to your account. (Click here to read more about The Doppelganger) 2. Spy Guy uses an app you allowed or an article you clicked-on to secretly track your keystrokes, internet sites and gather other information. 3. The Identity Thief has obtained...